Mein Kampf - The forbidden book by Adolf Hitler
H a book in which Adolf Hitler made his ideas about Germany , race and politics: Mein Kampf . In The Netherlands issued under the title My Camp . Berucht book that, among other things, still arranges for discussion in the Netherlands. Trade and reprint of Mein Kampf is still prohibited in the Netherlands.
Mein Kampf was written for the most part in 1924 when Hitler was imprisoned in the prison of Landsberg am Lech. The later Führer was sentenced for his involvement in a failed coup, the Bierkellerputsch . Hitler did not write everything himself. He dictated large portions to his assistant Rudolf Hess , who was also convicted of involvement in the pit. The original title of the scripture was: Four and a half years struggle against lies, stupidity and cowardice . Historians call the year 1924 a hissing year in Hitler's life. He had the time to reconsider and therefore decided to explain his views in Mein Kampf . In the recently published book 1924 , the American journalist and Hitler researcher Peter Ross Range wrote about the political writing:
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Hitler believed that the power of a people was determined by the blood. And he therefore thought that the German people had to stay 'pure'.
It should be avoided that Arian blood was mixed with blood from other
peoples and mixing with "Jewish blood" was completely out of the
question. About the Jews, Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf, among others:
In his manifesto, Hitler further defended the so-called Dolkstootlegende. According to this conspiracy theory, Germany lost the war by counteracting it from within. Communists , Jews, pacifists and other "landlords" had undermined the country with their November Revolution (1918). Germany did not soon lose the war on the battlefield, but by a pushback in the back. In Mein Kampf , Adolf Hitler writes:
The high edition was due, among other things, to the fact that in Nazi Germany, a copy of the gift was given when married. In addition, the Nazis in Germany became so dominant in the course of the 1930s that you were almost a suspicious person if you had no copy of the book.
In 1974, almost thirty years after the end of World War II , trade and reprint of the book in the Netherlands were banned. September 2007 in The Hague was still busy discussing the book. Former Minister Ronald Plasterk then knew that the book as to him should be freely available. However, a small Chamber majority (83 out of 150 seats) did not agree that trade and reprint of Mein Kampf in the Netherlands is still forbidden. On the internet, however, the work is easy to download. On this website , both the original German and English and Dutch translation can be downloaded for free.
The infamous political manifesto of Hitler still makes for fuss. In 2001, the popular radio- dj Giel Beelen made an afternoon program for the KRO. When the dj Mein Kampf mentioned in an interview in the Micro Guide the "most impressive book he knew" he was fired by the KRO. In the interview, Beelen did not endorse Hitler's minds. However, according to him, the book was "very important to history". In addition, the dj found it "interesting" to read "a book of a mentally disturbed".
The domain name is registered by the Dutch Ministry of General Affairs.
Read also: Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) - Führer of the Third Reich
Mein Kampf was written for the most part in 1924 when Hitler was imprisoned in the prison of Landsberg am Lech. The later Führer was sentenced for his involvement in a failed coup, the Bierkellerputsch . Hitler did not write everything himself. He dictated large portions to his assistant Rudolf Hess , who was also convicted of involvement in the pit. The original title of the scripture was: Four and a half years struggle against lies, stupidity and cowardice . Historians call the year 1924 a hissing year in Hitler's life. He had the time to reconsider and therefore decided to explain his views in Mein Kampf . In the recently published book 1924 , the American journalist and Hitler researcher Peter Ross Range wrote about the political writing:
"In spite of the whimsical writing and the surrounding anecdotes, Hitler's book contains clear clues about his future actions. (...) Hitler's work, for those who were willing to fit the dispersed pieces, a worldview that gave meaning and understanding of everything that followed later. "Rarely in history-ever before-a ruler, before he came to power, described exactly what he would do as Adolf Hitler," wrote the historian Eberhard Jäckel. "
Mein Kampf and Hitler's anti-Semitism
In Mein Kampf there is a lot to read about Hitler's fear of the Jews, which he regarded as the arch enemy. According to Hitler, Jews were a great danger to Germany, but even to the whole world. According to Hitler, according to Hitler, that world was a thousand-year hinge point. The thoughts of Hitler were not completely new. For a large part, he built on racism anti-Semitism of the nineteenth century."It's a breed, a people ohne raum: they are everywhere, they live scattered as a race among other races, as state among other states, they do not live 'just' but always as parasites in the body of other peoples . "According to Hitler, Jews were, in particular, undermining other peoples:
"The purpose of the Jew in this deviant struggle is to reduce the racial level of the higher peoples, their" Entnationalisierung "and then the control of the resulting racial slurry through the eradication of the national intelligentsia and its replacement by members of its own people . Thus the Jew is aiming for world domination. "
Democracy and financial world
In his political manifesto, Hitler pointed out that Jews held many important positions in the financial world and had a lot of power. Behind the scenes, "the Jews" (Hitler wrote about them as a group, as if Jews had secretly one secret goal in secret) also trying to put politics on hand. To take power, Jews, according to Hitler, did very genuinely and evenly. Fragment from Mein Kampf:"In Europe, the Jews see the democracies as their means of power. Behind the scenes they have dictated politically since the end of the war. With the emergence of democracy, the aristocratic principle of nature has immediately disappeared: now, the special 'Persönlichkeit' can no longer be the greatest leader to take on the fate of the people. Instead, he now rules the majority of stupidity, incompetence and cowardice. For example, by the democracy that only jews can praise because they are dirty and untrue as he himself poisoned all life; That is, it's broken. "Hitler claimed in Mein Kampf that Jews had provoked the First World War and said that the Arctic people should have taken the Jews before the 1918 "
"Had only one twelve or fifty thousand of these Hebrew public servants been treated to poisonous gas at the start of this war, then the offer of millions of Germans in the front was not in vain."
Jew as an attacker
In Hitler's view, it was not the case that the German people had to open the attack on the Jews. In fact, the German had to defend himself well. The actual attackers, so said Hitler, were the Jews. What would happen to the world, if the Jews were to win the battle, Hitler was also clear:"If the Jews march through his Marxist creed about the nations of this world, his crown will be the wreath on the grave of humanity, then this planet will pass through the ether again without people, millions of years ago."
First World War
In Mein Kampf , Hitler frequently addressed the First World War. That Germany lost war was a thorn in his eye. Hitler was particularly concerned with the various provisions of the Versailles Treaty (1919) , with which Germany was officially regarded as chief of the First World War. The country was saddled with huge repayments, lost large parts of the territory and could not have any significant army anymore. Germany had to conquer New Lebensraum, so allegedly Hitler in Mein Kampf , otherwise the country would undergo the burden of the Versailles treaty.In his manifesto, Hitler further defended the so-called Dolkstootlegende. According to this conspiracy theory, Germany lost the war by counteracting it from within. Communists , Jews, pacifists and other "landlords" had undermined the country with their November Revolution (1918). Germany did not soon lose the war on the battlefield, but by a pushback in the back. In Mein Kampf , Adolf Hitler writes:
"Emperor Wilhelm II was the first German Emperor who had put the Marxist leaders at hand for reconciliation because he did not understand that villains have no honor. For while they kept the imperial hand in theirs, the left hand sought the dagger. With the Jew, no compromise can be concluded. Between Jew and not Jew can be nothing but the ghastly "you or me"! "
History of Mein Kampf
The first part of Hitler's infamous work, entitled Eine Abrechnung (A Settlement), appeared in Germany on July 18, 1925. The second part appeared a year later: The National Sozialist Movement (National Socialist Movement ). Although Hitler earned a good job in the early years (he received ten percent of the proceeds), it was not a huge bestseller at first. Until the elections in 1930, Germany sold 23,000 copies of the first part of Mein Kampf , and 13,000 of the second. Due to the good election results of the Nazis, sales rose sharply after 1930. In 1939 there were already 5.45 million copies and in 1943 no less than 10 million.The high edition was due, among other things, to the fact that in Nazi Germany, a copy of the gift was given when married. In addition, the Nazis in Germany became so dominant in the course of the 1930s that you were almost a suspicious person if you had no copy of the book.
The Netherlands: My Camp
In 1939 a translation under the title My camp appeared in the Netherlands. Hitler had been German Chancellor for six years. The Dutch translation, provided by NSB's Steven Barends, appeared in a circulation of approximately 110,000 copies.In 1974, almost thirty years after the end of World War II , trade and reprint of the book in the Netherlands were banned. September 2007 in The Hague was still busy discussing the book. Former Minister Ronald Plasterk then knew that the book as to him should be freely available. However, a small Chamber majority (83 out of 150 seats) did not agree that trade and reprint of Mein Kampf in the Netherlands is still forbidden. On the internet, however, the work is easy to download. On this website , both the original German and English and Dutch translation can be downloaded for free.
The infamous political manifesto of Hitler still makes for fuss. In 2001, the popular radio- dj Giel Beelen made an afternoon program for the KRO. When the dj Mein Kampf mentioned in an interview in the Micro Guide the "most impressive book he knew" he was fired by the KRO. In the interview, Beelen did not endorse Hitler's minds. However, according to him, the book was "very important to history". In addition, the dj found it "interesting" to read "a book of a mentally disturbed".
Amsterdam gallery owner
More recently, Amsterdam antiquarian Michiel van Eyck was accused of offering copies of Mein Kampf for sale. The Public Prosecutor's Office imposed a fine against the entrepreneur who did not think it was such a big problem that a case was being imposed because he called for a "bizarre sales ban" in his eyes. By the end of 2014, the gallery owner was released from prosecution :"Social developments, especially the very simple availability of (the text of) Mein Kampf via the Internet and the context in which suspects offer the book as a historical object for sale mean that a conviction of suspect in a democratic society is not necessary for protection Of Jews from discrimination, insult and incitement to hatred because of their race and / or religion. "The OM was in cassation against the verdict. In addition, the court further pointed out that there are circumstances conceivable in which it considers a condemnation for distribution and in stock by Mein Kampf to be necessary. It is clear, however, that the court does not consider the sale of the book to be punishable in all cases and that it attaches great importance to the context in which the sale takes place.
Copyright of Mein Kampf
After the war, the copyright of Mein Kampf came to lie with the German state of Bavaria. These protests long against the appearance of reprints, even if they were provided with scientific commentary. In 2015, copyrighted. In short, the Land decided to cooperate with the issue of a scientific edition of Mein Kampf . This was published in January 2016. The reissue contains about 3,500 academic notes, which were incorporated into the original texts of Hitler. The point of departure of the scientists who composed the work was that no page should show Hitler's original words without the notes. Due to the cited sales ban, the scientific reissue of Mein Kampf in the Netherlands is not for sale.The domain name is registered by the Dutch Ministry of General Affairs.
Read also: Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) - Führer of the Third Reich